Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are negative emotions causing my acne

« ...Remember that acne can also be caused by your living conditions. When was the last time that you managed to get some sleep? Think about how often you have felt drowsy, cranky or tired and remember that it can show up on your skin. Start by getting a lot of water into your system and making sure that you get a full night's sleep, whatever it is for you. Instead of resolving to sleep in, which is difficult, try going to bed early, say, as soon as you start to yawn....
...Also, it is best to wash the skin with mild soap. A misconceived notion is that it is best to wash as often as possible. This may not be true. Too much washing can cause even more irritation. It is best to stick to washing twice per day, unless you are advised by a medical professional or has a specific reason to do so....»
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«...So you have acne marks which are left over from your severe acne condition, and you want to know how you can remove them safely without causing any damage to your skin? You also want to remove them using only 100% natural home remedies, because the over-the-counter products you've used in the past are useless, and do more harm than good! Good, you've come to the right place. I'm about to list some home remedies that will remove your acne marks in just a few weeks, if you consistently use the actions I'm about to give to you....»
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tags: how to cure acne free instructions, how i cleared my acne, oil-free acne wash daily scrub by neutrogena

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