Monday, August 4, 2008

Laser acne scar treatment and how to treat acne

Do an internet search for "acne cure" and you will get thousands of pages from companies trying to sell you the latest cleanser, to forum sites and message boards offering free advice. One thing they all have in common is they all claim to have an acne cure. However, if you make an appointment to see a dermatologist he or she will look you in the eye and tell you that an acne cure does not exist. What they will tell you is, there might not be a cure, but with medication we can control it.
The first symptom of Acne Rosacea is redness, almost always on the face (Rosacea rarely attacks other parts of the body, another notable fact). There may follow slight inflammation, pimple-like eruptions and a roughening of the skin. As rosacea progresses, the redness of the skin can become semi-permanent, the superficial blood vessels on the face may dilate, eyes will turn red, pimples and pustules will become more pronounced, and a patient will experience burning and stinging sensations. In extreme cases, a person (mostly men) may develop a red lobulated nose, a condition known as rhinophyma.
I tried all the usual ways to clear my skin, from antibiotics and acctuane, to cleansers, herbs and fasting on apples. With the exception of fasting, nearly all the other treatments were useless at clearing my skin and produced next to no improvement at all. The fasting did help in the immediate short term, but my acne came back shortly after finishing the fasts.
tags: spironolactone 25 mg used to treat acne medication, does clinique mens face soap work on acne, natural cures for hormonal acne

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