...However, her decision to participate in this campaign certainly doesn't mean that the former Spice Girl hasn't got skin problems of her own. Like a number of high-profile celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Victoria suffers from serious adult acne, and even the most expensive make-up artists struggle to mask her spotty skin....»
«...When your face is erupting more than Old Faithful, most of us will try anything and everything to get it under control. The idea that going chemical-free made my face break out is ridiculous. Out of desperation, I tried ProActive at one point. It does dry up blemishes but it also oxidizes your skin, adding to wrinkles and does nothing to keep new blemishes from forming under the skin (those enormous zits I like to call "undergrounders"). The worst idea of all was that the zits were the result of hormones gone crazy, which leaves you feeling helpless. Furthermore nothing, nothing, I put on or left off my face made any difference....»
tags:suntan lotion affect acne,
oration acne work through the bloodstream,
beauty, reduce facial pores, renew skin, remove acne
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